Sunday, December 14

Eduplace. com

Hi Everyone,
There are lots of great maths activities to explore in the 'Eduplace'. You will find their link under 'sites to explore on your own' in the right side margin. You will find all the maths activities for each grade level there. I had a lot of fun playing around with this hundreds chart in the Year 1 section. If you would like to have a go too just click here!

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Welcome to Our Maths Blog

The Junior Crew Kids use this blog to complete in class and home work activities. The links in the left margin are organised to cater for the needs of my class groups.

The post area contains links to maths sites that I use during small group teaching. Click on the picture to access the site.

The area headed 'Explore on Your Own' lists the sites that I use to find the links for my class. It's a great place to look for new resources.